Community Notification: COVID-19 Response – Self Isolation
Updated: Mar 31, 2020
Dear Residents
Further to our previous communication on the COVID-19 global pandemic, we confirm that we will continue to keep you informed of the measures we are implementing to protect the health and safety of our residents, staff and visitors.
Within Pun Hlaing Estate, we have approximately 900 residents, it is imperative that we take all necessary action to protect each other. We request that any households with any resident exhibiting fever and respiratory symptoms to self-isolate at home without outside contact.
The Authorities have put in place strict policies to trace anyone who has been in contact with the COVID-19 patients, and self-isolation policies are applied. Pun Hlaing Estate Management will work closely with any self-isolating household to comply with the regulations and to safeguard the rest of the residents. We also urge all residents to respect the privacy of any self-isolation households within the Estate.
Please note that township orders may be issued confirming that anyone not following self-isolation rules and regulations will be subjected to penalty under the law enforced by the Police. Please do understand that MOHS is establishing these orders to maintain public health and safety and Pun Hlaing Estate management will work closely with the Authority to ensure compliance.
Please follow the following guidelines for Self-Isolation;
Self-isolation period is advised to be 14 calendar days.
Cover your mouth and nose with tissue or elbow when you cough or sneeze.
Wash your hands frequently with soapy water for at least 20 seconds before and after eating and after going to toilet. This is particularly important if you have sneezed, coughed or touched your face.
Keep your hand sanitizer in accessible area of the house and use regularly.
Do not leave your residence during the self-isolation period.
Stay 1-2 meters away from others at home especially the vulnerable (mother, father, grandparents and children).
Avoid using shared spaces such as kitchens, bathrooms, living area, corridors at the same time. If there’s a need to be in the same area, wear masks.
Clean shared bathrooms with antiseptic wipes on all surfaces after each use.
If possible, do not share beds and do not share towels.
If you need food supplies have a friend or family member drop them off at the door.
Do not have visitors at your home.
Clean objects and surfaces that you often touch, like door handles, phones, light switches, kitchen counters, handrails etc.
Drink plenty of water - stay hydrated.
Eat nutritious food and exercise regularly if possible.
Get plenty of rest.
Monitor your symptoms for fever, cough, sore throat, diarrhoea, tiredness or shortness of breath regularly at least every 2 hrs. Record your symptoms in a diary.
If you experience any of the above symptoms arrange to see a doctor immediately and contact local health authorities to check up on you on an urgent basic.
Pun Hlaing Estate will continue to provide best possible service during these unprecedented and uncertain times, while keeping our Residents’ convenience and health in mind.
Should you require any assistance we have our contact line at 1461 (from landlines within the Estate) or 09 955400911.
Should you require any medical information contact Pun Hlaing Siloam Hospital hotline at 01 3684323.
Pun Hlaing Siloam Hospital – 01 368 4323, 09 421042679
Yangon Regional Department of Public Health – 09-449001261, 09-794510057
Mandalay Regional Department of Public Health – 09-2000344, 09-43099526
Central Epidemiology Unit – 067-3431432, 067-3431434, 09-429228991, 09-459149477
Public Health Emergency Operation Center – 067- 3420268
International SOS Yangon – 01 657922, 09 420114536
Official COVID-19 Hotlines – 09756341601, 09756341602
Thank you for your understanding. Stay healthy and safe.
Kind regards Jonathan Hegarty
General Manager
